The very mention of Kindle sends ripples of foreboding trickling through the established fields of traditional publishing and bookselling; and with good reason.

Not only are sales of the Kindle reader booming worldwide but so too are the instances of everyday usage on planes, trains, buses, parks and beaches. Vacationers for example now carry up to 5000 books in a jacket pocket rather than lugging around a dozen or so good reads in a suitcase.

As an established traditionally published author I decided recently to put Kindle Publishing to the test by uploading five of my out-of-print fiction titles; not just any five old titles though; five titles with a linking thread.

I have to say that initial returns were highly promising; 36 sales over just 6 days.

Thus enthused I uploaded my remaining fifteen out-of-print fiction titles but at the time of writing they haven’t elicited a single sale which has prompted me to investigate further.

1. The five titles that took off immediately all sold well as paperbacks ten years ago so could it be that Kindle readers have a longer than average memory? I doubt it.

2. Did I score a bulls-eye with my choice of Kindle publishing category? Very much so.

3. Did my painstaking choice of keywords pay off? Again, very much so.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6697646